I visited Classroom2.0 and I felt this is perfect website for me. I'm the beginner of digital things for class so I could get many help from this website. Especially, I found a group called 'web2.0 technologies for teachers' and there were lots of wikis I've learned through this course before like RSS, Twitter and Flickr. I experienced these through assignment but I need more explanations to use these efficiently. Through this group, I could learn more about helpful websites.
2011년 5월 9일 월요일
2011년 5월 4일 수요일
How I could use podcast :English Cafe
These days, most students use iPod or MP3 so podcast would be an interesting tool for students. Anyone can subscribe easily without expensive tools and also, anyone can download, listen and watch whenever they want with labtop or MP3. Teachers could use podcast in class, too. I found 'English Cafe'in ESL Pod for ESL students and it would be very helpful to my students in Korea. This podcast is from Dr. Jeff in LA, and he broadcasts with different topics about English every time. I listened 'English Cafe 287' and it was about Edgar Allen Poe, the American writer, womens' colleges and difference among business, commerce and trade etc. He introduces Edgar Allen Poe and his poem "The Raven". Then, Dr.Lucy talked about womens' colleges and Dr. Jeff explained meaning differences among business, commerce and trade, and expression 'Thank goodness'. If I were a student, this podcast would be very interesting. Learning English with book is boring but this podcast teaches English with various topics. Dr.Jeff spoke very slowly and clearly so it was easy to understand. Also, he spelled difficult words like "S.E.M.I.N.A.R.Y" and let me know the meaning. Furthermore, listners can ask him through 'ESLPOD.com'. In this time, students from Vietnam and Brazil asked about the meaning of English words and expression so it's easy to communicate with him. If my students could ask him and he explained it during broadcasting, this podcast would be great replacement of boring listening and reading homework.
2011년 4월 22일 금요일
How to use ePaLs in my class
"ePals is the leading provider of safe collaborative technology for schools to connect and learn in a protected, project-based learning network". Through the ePaLs, students could touch with friends in 200 countries, and teachers could share their experiences and educational sources with teachers' forum freely. Also, teachers and students can do project-based learning, collaborative learning and so on. In Korean school, ePaLs is getting popular with 'webquest.org' for exchanging information with schools in other countries'. Many Korean young students also use this website for e-mailing with other countries' students to improve their English. I think team project with foreign students could be exciting in my class. If we have same project such as research about feminism, my students and foreign students can share and supplement their informaion. Because students from each country have different culture and different point of view, students can compare each other's opinion and experience various things. Also, students usually communicate with English, my students could improve their English naturally.
2011년 4월 18일 월요일
Using Big Huge Labs in Class

Are you ready??? by ssh
Attribution License
When I taught English in Korea, I usually took charge of kids. They like watching animation like 'Madagascar'. After watching movie, we mimicked each character to learn sentences and recorded for making our own movie. Using 'Big Huge Labs', I could make movie poster easily. I could put title and some sentences, for example, "directed by class1" or "I likt to move it move it" like real movie poster. If my young students do this themselves when they record their movie, it would be more exciting and motivated.
2011년 4월 17일 일요일
Various types of creative commons licensing
In Korea, these days, protecting copyright is getting hot issue. Especially, many celebrities' pictures are spreading in many Asian country without any permission. Not only just celebrities' picture, but also people's private picture could be stolen. In this module, I learned there are various licenses and how important they are.
Attribution means:

You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit.

You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work - and derivative works based upon it - but for noncommercial purposes only.

You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it.

You allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.
2011년 3월 11일 금요일
How can I use microblogging in class?

I heard about "Twitter", it was just about celebrities. My friends were trying to be "follower" of many stars and to communicate with them. After I made my account and follow some edu-bloggers, I realized that I could communicate with my future students and also, I can use this microblog as a educational tool. Some teacher said twitter has helped her develop professionally as a teacher and mirrors the view of many colleagues who have also made the effort to nurture their own personal learning network using the free micro-blogging tool. Also, she used a free powerpoint twitter feedback tool which can be embedded within a presentation slide as a Flash file. Moreover,when students have presentation using powerpoint, other students can reply or show their opinion by twitter. Isn't it marvelous that classes in thesedays are so technical and innovative. I felt my class was so old-fashioned. I can share video clips and images with my students by 'TwitVid', 'Twitddeo', 'Twitc', 'TwitLENS'...etc. Especially, we can share YouTube videos by 'Twittube'. It would be more intersting in class and also be more friendly with my students if I use twitter properly.
2011년 2월 27일 일요일
Follow the Leader by Teacher Tom
When I taught kids in Korea, my students were 4-6years old so I thought they are too young to decide something themselves in class. Of course, I forced them kindly(?) to follow me because they look like clueless and naive. However, Teacher Tom's post "Follow the Leader" made me realize how silly I was. His writing was instructive and I could learn 'leadership' and 'followship' are crucial in class.
Here's impressive lesson from Teacher Tom
: When we fail as teachers, and we all do, I think it's often because what we are doing simply isn't great enough or instructional enough to attract that first follower. But when we succeed, once we've inspired that first follower, watch out!
2011년 2월 15일 화요일
Mod 4 The learner of today
These days, learners are not just absorbing information from teachers and textbook, they are changing themselves to be more connective using their newest tools to get more information. I think learners are like 'bees'. Bees cannot live alone. They should live together, work together to keep their house and find honey. Learners of todays also diligently work to find new inforation with others. In a digital era, learners are being more active and using more technologies to get knowledge. Siemens said in his article, ”Connectivism provides insight into learning skills and tasks needed for learners to flourish in a digital era”. To get unlimited information efficiently, learners are familiar with their tools like SNS, share their information and enhance it. It means we have to develop ourselves to follow rapidly changing knowledge.
When he said “What we know today is not as important as our ability to continue to stay current.” in his video clip, he might want to emphasize the importance of keep learning. If we are retarded or stop following technology, we can’t move on to next level of new information. Personally, I’m not good at computer and any technology but I’m trying to follow these things. I started to use iphone to google and check my e-mail. Also, I made my Korean blog and share opinion with my friends. As a future teacher, I think teachers should stay current or even earlier than students.
[MOD3]Social Media Revolution 2_Video Review
I recently watched the video ‘Social Media Revolution 2’.
It was some astounding social media & mobile statistics that are hard to ignore based on the book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman. It conflates a lot of stats in order to make a case for social media being the biggest shift since the industrial revolution.
Through this clip, I could easily understand social media and its effects.
Social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have become common ground for businesses to target potential customers with advertising and promotional material. Video sites such as YouTube allow users to build a profile, upload videos, post comments, and even allow others to subscribe to a channel.
You might have seen that icons above. You can even find similar icons in the bottom page of this post. All you need to do for subscribing favorite things is just clicking one of those icons that are located in the bottom part of most articles or pages. It shows that the social media is not only a communication tool, but also a pathway to express someone’s opinion.
According to this video, 80% of companies use social media for recruitment. This phrase is something I want to point out. Meaning that inappropriate post like offensive status updates do affect students to be hired in this modern society. It reminded me of the topic about safety tips that I posted before. Students should not expose their private things to the company that they apply.
I’m quite honestly have been struggling to understand why I must struggle to change my habits and engage online. As a future teacher, the above statistics give me motivational urgency.
2011년 1월 30일 일요일
Blogger safety for students.
These days, many people use blogs to communicate with others. However, there are someone to threaten your personal information like blog stalkers.Here are some safety tips for students.
1.When you post, the words you write might be written with one intention and you should be responsible with your writing.
2. You should be careful to keep your personal information. You should consider what information you do and don’t reveal online.
3. Consider your offline security.
4. Consider the way you are perceived online.
5. Don’t face it Alone. It's better to find someone to solve the problem together.
1.When you post, the words you write might be written with one intention and you should be responsible with your writing.
2. You should be careful to keep your personal information. You should consider what information you do and don’t reveal online.
3. Consider your offline security.
4. Consider the way you are perceived online.
5. Don’t face it Alone. It's better to find someone to solve the problem together.
how i could use blogs in my class!!!
Most schools have their websites but few classes have theirs. If my class has our website or weblogs, it would be very helpful and motivating my students. Fist of all, I'll make class news everyone can check so if someone want to notice some news, he could use class news to notice every classmates like his birthday party or selling something. Second, posting assignment is available. Students don't have to write or print out their homework. Last, I can post educational resources or link for students. Students can downloaded or watch it during class,too. If I post educational videos or readings, it would be more interesting than normal books to read. Through this blogs, I could communicate with students easily.
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