2011년 2월 27일 일요일

Follow the Leader by Teacher Tom

       When I taught kids in Korea, my students were 4-6years old so I thought they are too young to decide something themselves in class. Of course, I forced them kindly(?) to follow me because they look like clueless and naive. However, Teacher Tom's post "Follow the Leader" made me realize how silly I was. His writing was instructive and I could learn 'leadership' and 'followship' are crucial in class.
Here's impressive lesson from Teacher Tom
 : When we fail as teachers, and we all do, I think it's often because what we are doing simply isn't great    enough or instructional enough to attract that first follower. But when we succeed, once we've inspired that first follower, watch out!


댓글 1개:

Maryanne :

I love the image you chose!