These days, learners are not just absorbing information from teachers and textbook, they are changing themselves to be more connective using their newest tools to get more information. I think learners are like 'bees'. Bees cannot live alone. They should live together, work together to keep their house and find honey. Learners of todays also diligently work to find new inforation with others. In a digital era, learners are being more active and using more technologies to get knowledge. Siemens said in his article, ”Connectivism provides insight into learning skills and tasks needed for learners to flourish in a digital era”. To get unlimited information efficiently, learners are familiar with their tools like SNS, share their information and enhance it. It means we have to develop ourselves to follow rapidly changing knowledge.
When he said “What we know today is not as important as our ability to continue to stay current.” in his video clip, he might want to emphasize the importance of keep learning. If we are retarded or stop following technology, we can’t move on to next level of new information. Personally, I’m not good at computer and any technology but I’m trying to follow these things. I started to use iphone to google and check my e-mail. Also, I made my Korean blog and share opinion with my friends. As a future teacher, I think teachers should stay current or even earlier than students.
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You have chosen two very essential quotes from G. Siemens that apply to learning today.
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